Simply brilliant! ★★★★★
by Ricolikestennis - Oct 27, 2020
Forget the rest, I've tried them. If you want an app that's versatile enough to cope with many different scoring formats incl. the LTA's Fast 4 format with its no ad format, then this is the app for you. It doesn't use a subscription model like many of the new apps coming out, so while the initial outlay seems pricey, it's better value than the others. Yes it takes a little practice to use but you can do that watching matches on YouTube. If you make a mistake there is an option to undo, and also options for missed points and games. You can even switch server ends which is something juniors get frequently wrong after a tiebreak. The interface in this app looks a little dated and the menu system is bespoke, but there simply is no better app in my opinion. We've learnt loads about my player from their matches, not to mention their opponents! Can't recommend highly enough.
Loving the app ★★★★★
bby Mike___P - Version - 4.0 - Nov 19, 2014
Very impressed with this iPad/iPhone app and its "sister" PC app (which I think you'll need if you want a serious reporting/distribution capability).
Yes, the two apps are pricey, but they have been obviously carefully thought through and everyone is amazed at how much quality data (and analysis) I can accumulate in a given match. And since most of the matches
I'm covering are doubles, this pretty much eliminates the competition. Again, this program overcomes most of the complexity of catching all the important elements of a doubles match and attributing appropriate
characteristics to teams and individuals as appropriate - again, very well thought out.
Although fairly intuitive, this app will require a little bit of a learning curve, and some practice to keep up with the play and gather accurate data, but it gives you as much help as it can. After a little time
practicing on, say, some televised matches, and then a few practice "live" matches to get the flow, you'll be busy but you can collect the data fairly comfortably.
Finally, the developer is very responsive and very helpful in answering questions. He will clearly not leave you high and dry if you're having a problem or needing a question answered. Kudo's!
Best return on investment in tennis development !!!
by GETJr - Version 3.6.1 - Nov 1, 2013
This is the most expensive App
I have ever bought, but it is also the most far.
If you
have a child that is serious about tennis, you are probably spending
thousands of dollars on equipment, private lessons, academies, court time,
travel, etc. I recommend you seriously consider purchasing this App as it is
the best return on a $49 investment in tennis development I have ever
made....hands down!!!
ProTracker is the best app I have found for
tracking tennis matches for my son who is moving up the USTA Standings in
the Eastern Section. It enables HIM to objectively and accurately view his
strengths and areas for improvement immediately following matches without me
needing to say a word...Priceless !!!
Additionally, it allows us to
share detailed information with his coaches to facilitate more effective
practices. The reporting capabilities are astounding and have been extremely
valuable in his development, coaching, and match planning.
interface is simple and elegant, allowing you to watch the match while
tracking important statistics with ease in real time. I watch most of his
matches and this gives me a way to stay constructively engaged in his
development in a very healthy way. I recommend you try using the app
while watching a tennis match on TV/Internet at home, just to get a feel for
how it works. You will become proficient very quickly (5-15 minutes). After a very quick setup (names, descriptive info on tournament, first
server and side) you have four inputs per point:
1) where the serve
lands 2) where the return lands For the shot that ends the point 3)
origin point / stroke type 4) landing spot
The designer/developer
had built a very effective interface that makes this process quick. There
are many features built in to ease the tracking and even allow you to
quickly add points and/or games if you happen to get distracted or take a
break. Just by tracking those four events, you end up with a very
rich data set. The App has amazing reporting capabilities enabling you to
visually review shot tendencies; serving and returning placement; and
winner/error ratios and locations for specific strokes. Recent
version updates have included excellent advances in this already robust
reporting capability that allow you to really hone in on key factors like
performance on break points when up or down and many more.
This app is exactly what I've been looking for.
by MusicMan1024 - Version 3.4 - Jul 5, 2013
I wanted to find a good tennis stats app and this was by far the most impressive. It is very easy to use, and best of all the kids seem to really buy in to it. It makes it very easy to coach them when they have seen their own stats TV-style. I especially like the serving scatter diagrams as this is such an important area to the game. Overall, a great app, it is more expensive than others but is definitely worth the money.
Great app!!!
★★★★★ by Aemilius7 -
Version 3.4 - Jun 15, 2013
Excellent app for tennis statistics and analyzing
match on professional level.
by Heinulla - Version
3.4 - Jun 10, 2013
Ich besch�ftige mich als Tennistrainer und
Sportlehrer schon sehr lange mit der M�glichkeit der Matchanalyse im
Tennis. Diese Software ist das beste, was ich bislang dazu auf dem
Markt gefunden habe. Die Eingabe ist intuitiv und schnell zu
erlernen. Ich empfehle allerdings ein iPad und einen Eingabestift,
um die Aufsprungpositionen des Balles bei Aufschl�gen, Returns und
Keyshots exakt zu bestimmen, denn das ganze funktioniert mit
Touchscreen und Popup-Men�s. Einfach, schnell und durchdacht. Auch
die Einbeziehung aktueller Statistikwerte wie "Aggressive Margin"
sind klasse. Die Darstellung der Ergebnisse und die
Auswertungsm�glichkeiten helfen mir beim Coaching und in der
Nachbesprechung mit meinen Spielern sehr. Leider gibt es von mir nur
vier Punkte da die Exportfunktion nicht vorhanden ist. Das ist nicht
nur schade, sondern sehr �rgerlich. Zwar kann man die Ergebnisse per
Mail an den Spieler etc. verschicken, allerdings muss dieser dann
die Light-Version herunterladen, um die Ergebnisse ansehen zu
k�nnen. Ein Export in Excel oder zumindest als PDF samt
Ausdruckm�glichkeit w�re hier sinnvoll. Dies ist nur in der PC
Version m�glich, die allerdings noch einmal extra bezahlt werden
muss. Alles in allem ist ProTracker ein tolles Programm, das mir
schon sehr viele Erkenntnisse und Argumente in meinem Training
bereitgestellt hat. Ich m�chte es nicht mehr missen. |
Awesome ★ ★ ★ ★
by Heinulla - Version 3.4 - June 10, 2013
I am
working as a tennis coach and physical education teacher for a long
time with the possibility of match analysis in tennis. This software
is the best I've found this on the market. The input is intuitive
and easy to learn. However, I recommend an iPad and a stylus to
determine the bounce position of the ball on serves, returns and
Keyshots precisely because the whole works with touch screen and
pop-up menus. Simple, quick and sophisticated. Also, the inclusion
of current statistical values such as "Aggressive Margin" are great.
The presentation of the results and the analysis options help me in
the coaching and debriefing with my players a lot. Unfortunately,
there are only four points from me because the export function does
not exist. This is not only unfortunate, but very annoying. Although
you can send the results via email to the players, etc., but it must
then download the Lite version to view the results. An export to
Excel or PDF including at least of expression would be useful here.
This is only possible in the PC version, but again must be paid. All
in all ProTracker a great program, which I have provided many
insights and arguments in my training. I do not want to miss.
Excellent tennis tracking app
by Apecks77 - Version 3.3 (Match Credit) - Mar 11, 2013
Great for tracking tennis matches and reviewing statistics later. This like ball placement, double faults and unforced errors, backhand vs. forehand winners can all be tracked. I have tried all of the tennis tracking apps and for me this one is so far the best. The pricing model (pay as you use), is not even that painful.
Nice product ★★★★★
by Dun That - Version 3.2 - Jan 24,
The program is excellent for the parent that wants to do more
then just watch. I then send it off to our private instructor so they can
prioritize the next session. Customer support is excellent.
Brilliant ★★★★★ by Parent/coach -
Version 3.2 - Jan 21, 2013
Great app but you must have a bit of patience and
allow time to become accustomed to do the taping to track matches.
Invest 20 minutes in reading the user guide on the website. It is
particularly good for taking matches through with your juniors and also
for reporting to their coaches (simply send the file or just a screen
shot of the statistics).
Ad scoring ★★★★ by tcobbthehearthrob - Version 3.2 -
Oct 17, 2012
I love this app it has been very useful so far. My
students find their tendencies to hit to certain parts of the court with the
scatter diagrams and stuff. However I can't figure out how to get the no ad
scoring to kick in. It doesn't seem to work
Easy to use ★★★★★ by Gerg094 -
Version 3.1 - Jul 23, 2012
This is a great app. I find it tough to track the rally length and the
location of the serve return. Since the serve return tracker can be turned
off, problem solved. In the update the option for the coman tie-breaker
needs to be added. Other than this a great app, the stats break downs are
very helpful to look at with my players.
Smart app ★★★★★ by TENNISWISDOM -
Version 3.1 - Apr 22, 2012
Anyone who is serious about their game looks for this type
of info... This is the best app I had found that works and gives me my data.
Great app! ★★★★★ by D1 tennis
- Version 3.1 - Mar 20, 2012
I had an older version for a pda and bought this program as an
app for the ipad and we love it! Really easy to learn how to use it and the
info/insight that you can get instantly is extremely helpful. We use this
for our division I college team all the time and all our players have really
benefitted from it and have enjoyed the feedback on their matches.
Great App ★★★★★ by Doug Pielet -
Version 3.1 - Jan 13, 2012
Great product! Easy to use and my
students are able to visually see their errors and key shots!
VERY BEST APP ★★★★★ by Gianlu1969 - Version 3.1
- Jan 1, 2012
VERY BEST APP ★★★★★ by Gianlu1969 - Version 3.1
- Jan 1, 2012
Tennis tracking flexibility
by Gloucestershire 1 - Version 3.1 - Dec 24, 2011
Prior to using
tracking software, I used to track manually and then have to re-type
into a spreadsheet. This kind of limited the point of tracking as my
duaghter wanted to see her performance stright away so she could adapt
for her next match. Whilst this is the first tennis tracking app I have
bought, I have found this app to be really user friendly and flexible as
her game develops
Awesome charting tool
★★★★★ by
Buckeye Tennis 79 - Version 3.1 - Nov 21, 2011
I have been looking at this app for quite
some time, and I'm glad I finally bought it. It is a little more expensive
than others but I find it to be well worth it. Even though it is very
detailed, it is quite simple to use. I especially like being able to see the
diagram of shots on the court. This feature puts this app heads and
shoulders above other statistical charting apps.
Most complete program available
by Mpk2007 - Version 3.0 - Oct 17, 2011
I originally purchased this software over
8 years ago for a Windows mobile device (this company has been around for a
while). It Is the best software by far for serious stats on tennis matches
to help you spot areas to improve. I just repurchased it for the iPhone/iPad
platform. They care about their product, respond to emails quickly and will
be in business two years from now. I have no connection with the company,
but appreciate the service and product improvements through the years.
Best One Out There
★★★★ by JukiDog -
Version 3.0 - Oct 14, 2011
Only mobile app I found that allows you to record location
of shots. Works well and gets the job done. Expensive compared to other
apps, but it only amounts to the cost of a single tennis lesson, which seems
fair given the value of the data this app can gather. A few minor quips.
Could improve on workflow when matches get screwed up (e.g. Serving from
wrong side of court after sets, scoring mistakes). Feel like I am fighting
with the app once things go awry with the match and usually give up once
this happens. Can't seem to edit match data once it is started (e.g. Player
names, tournament info, court surface). Comments display strangely in
momentum chart. Hard to read them once a few are entered. Graphics in app
could be improved.
Tennis mom ★★★★★ by 10S Mom - Version
2.1 - Jun 20, 2011
There is a learning curve in the beginning. It is intuitive and
easy once you get the hang of it. You touch where the racquet was, what kind
of shot, where it landed, and what shot outcome was like winner, forced
error, etc. Worth the $50!! it is an amazing program. You get faster with
practice and you need to stay with it to get proficient. Then you just need
a good viewing seat to the match. Extremely helpful to players, parents, and
coaches. Love the stats and scatter diagrams!
Superb ★★★★★ by Calv101 - Version
2.1 - Jun 12, 2011
The best match tracker out there bar none!
Mr ★★★★★ by Elmco1 - Version 1.2 -
May 9, 2010
Great app. As a tennis parent, I would not be without it.
Best charting software on the market
★★★★★ by Andy Wild, Carmel, IN - Version 1.2 - Apr 30, 2010
I have been charting
tennis matches for years and can honestly say this is the best product I've
ever seen (and used) for charting matches. It is perfect for tennis parents
because it takes the subjectivity (and much of the stress) out of watching
your child play. It can be easily emailed to their coach immediately
afterward for analysis. Once you gather enough data, it is great to access
opponents' strengths and weaknesses for future reference. Coaches would
bebefit as well because they can analyze a student's performance without
necessarily having to be at every one of their student's matches. Finally,
the players themselves benefit because they can see (in black & white) their
performance without all the drama/emotion. I've used the windows mobile
version of this product for the past few years and it was a hassle having a
separate piece of hardware to run this software. Now it is not only easier
to use (touch screen vs stylus pen), but more importantly, it is only fifty
bucks! That's cheaper than a one hour tennis lesson and the benefits are far
greater. There are cheaper apps out there, but you'll be much much happier
with this one. Try the lite's a free demo.
Director of Tennis
★★★★★ by
Tennismonster - Version 1.0 - Jan 19, 2010
I've been using Protracker on other platforms for
years and I couldn't wait till it made it to the iPhone. I've tried the
other apps and they are either too difficult to use or lacks features.
Protracker is the most logical and easy to use match charting app. It
included a terrific reporting tool that runs on a pc. It does cost extra but
if you are serious about match charting, it is worth every penny.
Other Testimonials |
application is phenomenal! My daughter was amazed at the amount of analysis
available - she probably spent 45 minutes going through the data and, more
importantly, came away with some insights that she will work on in her next
We thought ProTracker was
the best app out there to use for tracking matches. We used it on numerous
occasions at Mississippi State on our iPads, in dual match play and in the
NCAA tournament. If someone is looking for an app to stat matches, this one
is definitely worth the money over some of the less expensive products.
Matt Hill Univ. of South Florida
I really love the program on
my iPhone. It has been fantastic. Thanks,
Jim Flower, Columbus, OH
Thank you! This app rocks! Derek Gonzales
As a coach I have now used ProTracker Tennis for over 5 years at the
junior level, the early professional stages and now the collegiate level in
the United States. Using the statistics provided by ProTracker Tennis is one
of the best teaching tools a coach can use.
Roeland Brateanu, Assistant
Men's Tennis Coach at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
I LOVE PROTRACKER and do not want to settle for
Anything less. Yours is the best by far!! I have Searched and searched for
others and none compare. Allen
As far as
my experience with ProTracker Tennis, I use it in order to keep statistics
when I play matches in my tennis league. I'll set up a video camera and
film myself and then replay and record the results on ProTracker. It's much
easier to keep track of my progress that way. Thanks again, Rick
Ive had the program for three years and love it.
Duke Women's Tennis
I've been using protracker to help my kids. It takes
the subjectiveness out of my feedback and has helped me to convince my kids
on their strengths and weaknesses. Most of the time they don't believe me but
will believe in the protracker stats! Its simple to use. Mark Melbourne,
This is a critical tool for any
parent or coach.
It has helped me help my kids and give
their coaches the information they need to improve their game.
Metrics are critical for measuring
Tracking just wins and losses is not enough.
Since luck is where preparation meets
opportunity, ProTracker Tennis is invaluable when helping to prepare for and
measuring the opportunity.
John Wydra, North Carolina, US
I have used ProTracker for some time now to track my 18 year old daughters
progress, she plays wheelchair tennis and at this moment she is ranked 10 in
the world. ProTracker has been a great tool for showing her the stats to
help her improve her game. I would recommend it to anyone who plays or
coaches the game its a wonderful bit of kit.
Keith Whiley, UK
ProTracker is the best tennis charting software I have
ever used. It provides me with up to date stats about all my players. It is
a massively important part in helping me give objective feedback to all my
players and parents after matches.
After 3 years of use I'm a still using it on a weekly
basis. This has allowed me to build up a huge library of data about each
player, as well as important information about potential opponents.
I love it! Edward Isard, Abingdon UK
I have now been using the ProTracker software heavily for about 6 months. It
has been very easy to use and has made communicating my son's performance
during a match very clear and based on the data not perception. Now when he
comes off the court the first thing he does is ask for the handheld to
review the stats! It has also made him more aware on court of trends in his
and his opponents play. He used to come off the court with pure guesses of
errors/winners/serve percentage. Now he is often very close to his actual
performance which has helped his game tremendously. Thanks for a great
teaching/training tool!
Tim Gornet, Kentucky
ProTracker Tennis is a must for any tennis parent, very
easy to use and the stats are just like you see on the TV when the
commentators are discussing the pro's game. The Iphone application is a
fantastic addition. I am now able to send valuable factual information to my
daughter's coach for professional analysis. Thank you ProTracker. Enzo Mora, Gloucester UK.
So glad the iPhone version
of ProTracker is out. I have compared the
similar apps for the Iphone
and they don�t measure up to ProTracker.
ProTracker Tennis is the single best tennis match tracking software
available! My son plays USTA Juniors Tournaments and we had been looking for
a software program that we could use to track his matches plus be able to
use as a training guide. ProTracker fits both bills. After each match we
can�t wait to get home and synch up the PDA with our PC and print out the
fantastic reports.
We have been using it for almost a year now. It paid for itself in the first
Clayton Taylor, Fayetteville, AR
I use this software now a few month and it is great.
Not only after the match, but also during the match, you can give objective
feed back to your player. It's a great help to develop your player to the
next level, because he or she gets a better (objective) view of the game.
Thank you for making this.
Andr� de Mos, tennis teacher in the Netherlands
It is working great! I have had a lot of
people who were amazed! It helped me a lot with the game and the training of
my daughter. THANKS! Henk Bakker, NL
I just want to say that I am thoroughly happy and pleased with ProTracker...
it has consistently exceeded my expectations, and is the leading product in
its field.
...we love
the programme by the's central to our coaching they
say awareness is the first stage of change
Peter Di Carlo-Coniglio - Bristol UK
By the way; I must complement your customer support. I have asked many
questions over the year-or-so that I've owned your product, and you always
respond promptly, and with accurate information. Kudos!
Lin Ford, Tampa Florida
I have used the program for quite some time now. It is great. Very often
after one of my players matches before we speak I make them review the Stats
then come and talk to me. The discussion then has so much more substance.
"Coach Nic" Askew, Junior Outreach Director
Prince George's Tennis and Education Foundation, Washington DC

By the way, I just wanted to say that I have found your product to be very
useful and exciting for my players to see match results. Yesterday we had a
flighted tournament between three colleges. I tracked a set for each of the
other schools and printed the results for them. The two coaches were amazed
at what they saw. I showed them both the pocket pc and the laptop where they
could see the flow of the match.
Allen Jackson, Berea College, Kentucky
My son just won the
Surbiton U10 Open. I cant say it is solely down to ProTracker but he
certainly takes more interest in the post match analysis and now works on
areas of weakness.
Marc Hendriks,
Clive Asprey Tennis Academy, Guildford UK
This software is exactly what I've been
looking for. I researched many other programs for months and found
ProTracker to be the easiest to use but would also give me an excellent
amount of information from each match. It is also the only software I've
found which does stats for doubles. Not only is the software great but the
customer service is excellent - any questions I had were answered extremely
Melburn Brown, Head Pro, Hallbrook CC USA
I have been using
ProTracker for over a year now and I think that it is one of the most
valuable tools a coach or a parent can have. Thank you again and
congratulations on this amazing product. Fernando Martinez,
Boca Raton
Coaching a High School
Boys Varsity Tennis team is always a challenge. Having the ProTracker
software has enabled me to keep reliable statistics from the matches from
which I can design practices around the parts of the game which need to be
improved. The software is easy to use and the reports are easy to interpret.
The computer-savvy generation of teenagers trust the computer generated
reports more than anything done by pencil and paper. Overall it is a great
piece of software that has benefited our program tremendously.
Paula Gentry - Woodward Academy, GA.
Fantastic software, easy to use and a very effective feedback tool.
I researched the internet to find a good tennis
stats program and this was by far the most impressive. It is very easy to
use, and best of all the kids seem to really buy in to it. It makes it very
easy to coach them when they have seen their own stats on the
computer. I especially like the serving scatter diagrams as this is
such an important area to the game. I have statted lots of matches,
and over time I like to compare matches against the same opponent to
see where the improvements have been made. Overall, a great program,
highly recommended. Chris Johnson, Hills Road High
Performance Centre, Cambridge, UK
My son of 14
is now playing full time and your software is a very valuable training tool.
He now looks at the stats and really knows what went on. Pre software
days he would get caught up in the emotion of the match which could easily
blind him to the facts.
In my career as a professional coach I've had a lot of
problems with players who made a lot of unforced errors, because they want
to make winning shots from very difficult situations, instead of
playing, for example semi-high and crossing balls. After using ProTracker
Tennis I resolved with my players a lot of tactical and mental problems
during practice and tournaments. It is also perfect for travelling coaches,
because you can store all the important information from each match - and
after returning home you can show to the player's personal coach or parent
or to the club directors a report showing exactly what happened during each
match and why he/she lost or won particular matches in the tournament.
Aleksandar Zivin, Head coach, Tennis Centre Portoroz,
(ProTracker Match Stats:
Protracker Tennis is most useful for analyzing performance and monitoring
areas needing improvement in my daughter's tennis game. Being so easy to use
and download allows us to quickly review match statistics and discuss
various issues with her coach.
The software is excellent - it has aspects which are very complimentary to
my coaching. I was impressed with the return of serve and the replay
feature which I used recently for one of my players to highlight reasons why
he lost his fixture. More notably it helped him to visualize what I was
saying so that he could put it into practice for his next match. In
North Queensland where it is constantly sunny I find the black / white feature
a real asset, no more shielding or tilting my device to see the screen.
Good product before, even better product now
Andrew Bligh
Nth Queensland Tennis Academy, Australia
At Radford
University we are recruiting more players with national and world rankings,
and finding that few have had extensive match charting done of their
competitions. ProTracker is providing us with a statistical and visual
charting tool to further enhance the development of these already highly
advanced players.
Mike Anderson
Men's Tennis Coach
Radford University, Virginia
This is exactly what I was looking for to track matches for my two
daughters....and although I have seen many folks tracking by hand, I have
not seen anyone doing it like this.
a quick story... Lately my son has really been on a roll playing some good
tennis. However, he has not been able to close out the big match. I try to
always be supportive and encourage him instead of telling him what he did
wrong and why he lost. After some time has passed I'll ask him what he
thought made the difference in the match and he'll say something like it
just wasn't my day etc. Of course I knew it usually boils down to too many
unforced errors. However, hearing it from Dad usually doesn't carry too
much weight. After this last match, he and I went to lunch and we were
talking about the match and I just gave him the HP Ipaq and
let him look at the stats. All of a sudden his mouth dropped open and
he said in disbelief, "I had 49 unforced errors?" He filtered by shot
and saw that almost all of them were sailing just long. He's getting
stronger and swinging harder. So at the next match, I watched his
strokes closely and could see that he is not coming over the top of the ball
to generate the extra spin needed to keep the ball in play. I've said
it before and I'll say it again, great product!
Jay Hardy, Suwanee, Georgia
Just got back from my daughter's match and ProTracker was awesome!!
I will have to practice to keep up with points but I can't wait to print out
the reports and analyze them on my pc. Everyone was really impressed
at the tournament by be using a handheld to track a match.
The software is performing great. It is incredibly useful to me and my
Derwin Roland
President/CEO/Head Professional
Monster Tennis, Inc.
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Something else you may be interested in is I recently attended the French
open, and I charted Andrew Murray, and the statistics I got from the match
were exactly the same as those done by IBM at the tournament. Which was
great, the software is great.
I have been using Pro Tracker Tennis now for
about a year and have found it most helpful, it's great and I can't work
without it.
Adam Malarsk, Weston Tennis Center, FL
Almost a year ago I purchased the program. It is working great! I have had a
lot of people who were amazed! It helped me a lot with the game and
the training of my daughter. THANKS!
Henk Bakker, Netherlands
So far so good....I downloaded the full versions and they
look (and work) great...much, much better than the ACE program that I was
using, a lot more user friendly.
Wild . . . I've tracked
116 matches so far:
78 of one of my
daughter's matches and 38 on the other daughter's. I continue to show junior
coaches and college coaches the product.
success story:
Courtney played
a girl over Christmas in Pheonix, AZ at Winter Nationals and I was able to
chart the match.
Just a couple
of weeks ago, Courtney drew the same girl in the first round of the USTA
National Hardcourts in San Diego, CA - the biggest tournament of the summer.
My wife was
with Courtney and I was back home.
I texted
Courtney a few shapshots of the "plots" of where the girl ended points. The
girl ended points 4 to 1 off the forehand side.
I told Courtney
to obviously play the backhand.
I also was able
to recall from the charting that the girl loved pace and the turning point
of the first match was when Courtney mixed up the pace.
The first match
went 3 sets with my daughter being down a set and 1-4, but she came back and
pulled it out.
The second time
she played the girl (armed with Pro Tracker
data) she won 6-2 6-2.
I've been using
ProTracker for quite awhile (eight months now), and I have to say that it is
positively the most complete package that I've seen. Congratulations! The
code is stable; the features are just what I need to chart matches.
I started off not tracking serve returns, but in the last 6 months have
changed that. Today, I'm charting things quite accurately, and really
appreciate certain touches, such as the summary display on changeovers.
Again, well thought out stuff!
The results have really helped my daughter (age 14) get calibrated about
what her strengths and weaknesses are. I never show her the results right
after the match. It's too intimidating (especially if she's lost). I
usually give back some quick stats (important ones) and then do a full
review the next day after the emotion dies down.
The Doubles part is great... the fact that you chart each player separately
is really, really helpful. My daughter and her partner are currently ranked
8th nationally. So, with those stakes, charting also helps keep the doubles
partner's coach (and parents) calibrated with what's happening, not just the
Peter Nance, Austin Texas
I've been using Pro Tracker since its first release when
I started traveling with players for greater lengths of time and at higher
level Satellite events. For some of my players ranked 125 in the world or
the comp players blind to the true reason for the result in the match it is
a fantastic tool.
It is not only great so players can take ownership of
their performance, but it keeps a great record of their performance and
tactics against players to be recalled for a pre match strategy any time in
the near or far future.
It is great to help players recall as you analyze how the
match went in their head and certain stages and point situations. Much
better than video for this using the replay function and players giving
their own feel verbally of what happened instead of pictures filling in the
The reporting function on the PC version is outstanding
as well as the ability to blow things up like the momentum Graf on the big
screen but sending PDF of the match report is a great function. Also to have
my coaches or parents traveling with student on tour email me their pro
tracker stats for me to report on from the other side of the world or from
court 1 at our Tennis center!
The ability to have it on a few of my touch screen
devices allows me to take these stats on my phone or at home on my IPad
watching a video of my players match adding further to the convenience of
An outstanding product and a must for coaches of any
player serious in development of their match play.
Simon Causley
High Performance Tennis Coach
Coaching Director
Tennis Australia
Saint Ignatius College, Riverview, Sydney, Australia
I congratulate you for putting together the best low cost charting
software on the market.
Robert Wojcik, Program Director, WIGWAM TENNIS
Dear ProTracker, I have been using your tracking
software for several years and felt it was time to give you my feedback. My
daughter plays competitive tennis in Florida, USA where the depth of
competition is very tough. Having the ability to analyze a match both
during, and after, has proven well worth the investment in both the mobile,
and PC versions.
We have had several matches that have gone to third
sets. so I am able to discuss strategy with her after the 2nd set. In these
instances she may not know what is going wrong, and needs some hard facts to
prove my observations. When I show her the winner/unforced error ratios
between the set she won, and lost, she is able to calm down and �clean up�
her game. This has saved valuable time previously wasted in trying to
justify my advice. We can also do a quick analysis of her opponent�s
winners/errors on forehand, and backhand, to decide which side to pick on
for the third set.

Another benefit is the pre-match analysis when facing
an opponent in the database of matches. Being able to see where the ball
lands is incredibly valuable if you look for things like where they will go
on second serve, or on big points. To be able to say with confidence that my
player can expect 85% of second serves to be to the forehand, allows her to
more effectively attack that shot. If you know that your opponent will hit
first serves wide on game point or break point, you have a big advantage
over players that are trying to find patterns while they play.
Lastly, I must comment on the
value of being able to send entire matches to her coach. I bought the PC
version for me, and the coach, so that I can email him the data from matches
he cannot attend. He has told me that being able to view all this
information right on his monitor, has enabled him to craft the next week�s
training to address specific issues that may not have been considered
otherwise. All players perform differently in competition than in practice,
so the coach needs to see performance under pressure, as well. Your
program�s detail allows that better than any other I have seen.
Thank you for creating a program
that has made a positive difference in our daughter�s game.
Lin Ford, Tampa, FL USA
Using the program and I find it extremely useful. Not only in my coaching training in terms of guidelines, but also as
direct assistance with the players training. It is always easier to show a player after a match or training, you see, this is how you play,
where you served, where and how you returned. With ProTracker have "evidence" about what, together with the players analyzed, and the actual
arguments for further work. Players have become much more aware of their games, the advantages and disadvantages. with time begin to
understand better tennis at multiple levels and their approach to training is therefore more serious.
Robert Brkljač Tennis Coach, Croatia